Vette Cruise 2026

Welcome to Booking for Vette Cruise 2026!

New Passenger Registration


1) Please complete this form for both passengers.  (Click “Register Next Guest” after filling out first passenger form)

2) When creating the second passenger…

Second Passenger needs unique email, or leave blank

PLEASE, either leave it blank for each additional guest, or provide a unique email address for each guest.  If you use the same email, you will simply overwrite the previous registration!

3) Once the passenger details are submitted, I will reach out to you to discuss your options and complete the reservation and collect a deposit!

If you would like a state room category that is not listed in the Cabin Selection dropdown menu (IE Suites or other categories) – Please complete forms for each passenger and select “Other” for cabin selection, we will contact you to discuss and get pricing.

If you need a state room that holds more than 2 passengers or needs connecting rooms, accessible rooms, etc: – Please complete forms for each passenger and select “Other” for cabin selection, we will contact you to discuss and get pricing.

Important Passport Information

1) Please review your Passport to ensure that the “Full Name as Listed on Passport” field matches exactly what is listed on your Passport.

2) Please ensure your Passport Expiration Date is at least 6 months beyond our travel dates ending March 1, 2026. (September 1, 2026) If it is not, you must have it updated which can take time, so the sooner you do this the better. Not having a valid passport may prevent you from traveling.